Wedding Cake Etiquette

Wondering what is the best way to cut the wedding cake? Can you choose more that one flavor? What is the groom’s cake? Here’s the wedding cake etiquette.

Wedding Cake Etiquette

Can I have more than one flavor?

Yes. Bakers are making tiers that feature different filling and cake combinations – to satisfy both the couple and their guests. So if you want to have a chocolate cake with peanut butter filling and your partner wants salted caramel – have both. Consider a larger cake – guests will probably want to try both flavor combinations.

When to cut the cake?

Cutting cake plays a big role in the wedding reception. In the past, this was the last moment of the reception – signalizing the guests to head home. There days, cake is usually cut at the end of the dinner, just before the dancing. It’s the last ‘official’ event of the evening.

What is the best way to cut the cake?

Having one knife and two sets of hands can be tricky. Cut one inch into the cake and slice down cleanly. Make a connecting cut for a wedge. Use the cake knife to lift the wedge out and put it onto the plate.

What is the groom’s cake?

Traditionally, groom’s cake was the wedding favor. It was sliced and given to the guests to take home. Single women would sleep with the cake under the pillow, to dream about their future husband. These days, the groom’s cake is displayed next to the wedding cake. There aren’t any wedding cake etiquette rules about the groom’s cake. Couples usually slice it and serve it alongside the wedding cake – so the guests have a choice of flavors.

Should we have additional desserts?

It’s not necessary to have additional deserts, but if you want, you can include trays of chocolate covered strawberries or truffles on each table. You can also serve milk and cookies (as a late night snack) or set up an ice cream sundae bar.

Can we save the leftover cake tiers?

Traditionally, the bride and groom should save the top tier of the wedding cake to eat on their first anniversary. Be sure to tell this to your baker in advance, so he can provide a box for the top tier. The next day, wrap the cake in several layers of plastic wrap, put it in the box, wrap the box in additional plastic wrap layer and put it in the freezer. If there is a lot of leftover cake, offer slices to the guests to take home. If the leftover cake hasn’t been sliced, wrap it up and bring it to the next day brunch.

Must we have a wedding cake?

Do whatever sounds good to you. If you and your partner prefer doughnuts, cookies or pies instead of the wedding cake, those all make great dessert options. Arrange them on pretty trays or cake stands and share the first bit with your future spouse. If you’re not into desserts, don’t skip the sweets entirely, as the guests will be expecting them. Skip the cake cutting and arrange a dessert bar.

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