Destination Wedding Pros and Cons

Destination weddings are very popular. They require a bit of logistical planning, but for many couples, it’s worth it. Here are the pros and cons of destination weddings – so you can make the best decision for your wedding day.

Destination Wedding Pros and Cons


Amazing photos

If you choose to have a destination wedding, you’ll have the opportunity to say ‘I do’ in front of the amazing backdrop. Intricate architecture or gorgeous landscapes will make your photos stunning.

More intimate wedding

Destination weddings tend to be more intimate (although, there are no rules on how large the guest list should be for a destination wedding). You will have an immersive experience. Your guests will also get to know each other.

Money savings

Depending on the location and the number of guests, there could be some savings with a destination wedding.


You may have a destination wedding in a place you and your partner have visited before. You may also plan to go to an entirely new destination. Either way, you’ll have a vacation in a beautiful place. Your guests will have a huge role in making the trip fun. There is nothing like being on vacation with people you love.

Unique experience

Destination wedding offers new exciting experiences and a quality time with your loved ones. It can be an amazing adventure for couples who like to explore and travel.



Depending on the country, you might need a list of previously visited countries or health records. Every country is different, so make sure to do your research.

Local marriage requirements

Different countries have different legal requirements. You might need birth certificate, medical certificate, letters of intent, proof of residency. Research how you can legally tie the knot.

Expensive for guests

The expense of traveling may not be feasible for some family members and friends.

Language barrier

When it comes to communicating, going to another country can always be a challenge. When choosing a destination wedding, language barrier is a thing to consider.

What are your thoughts on destination wedding pros and cons?

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