RSVP Card Etiquette

Wondering how to fill out the RSVP card properly? When should you respond? Is there a polite way to decline? Here’s the RSVP card etiquette.

RSVP Card Etiquette

What is the RSVP card?

‘RSVP’ comes from the French expression répondez s’il vous plaît, which means ‘please respond’. Wedding host will use the info on the RSVP card to make the seating chart, finalize the catering count and address you properly on escort cards, place cards and personalized favors.

How soon should you respond?

You should respond as soon as possible. Take no longer than one week to make the plans and respond. If you miss the RSVP date, call the host to confirm your attendance. You should also send the RSVP card back (even if you missed the date), many couples keep them as keepsakes.

How to write your name and plus one?

On the RSVP card, there is an ‘M’ prior to the blank space – this is where you should write your social title (Mrs., Ms., Mr.) and your full name. You should write your name just like it is written on the envelope. If the envelope is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, the response line should be ‘Mr. and Mrs. Johnson’. If the envelope is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Hannah and Eric, the response line should be ‘Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Hannah and Eric’. If you are bringing a plus one, include that person’s full name.

What about allergies?

If you have some food allergies, include that on the RSVP card, but also call the wedding host to mention it. You can offer to contact the caterer or the wedding planner to discuss allergies and additional food options.

Should you make it personal?

Yes! Write a few sentences, send well wishes to the bride and groom, thank the host, be encouraging!

What are your thoughts on RSVP card etiquette?

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